Ubidule webpage

State of existing ubidules

You can view the state of the different ubidules here.

Installation of the softwares on a ubidule

To correctly install UbiManager and the server on the Colibri, please do one of the following.

If you have a standard card:

  • Kill the ubimanager process
  • Kill the ubicolibri process
  • Get updateubimanager.tar
  • Untar the file, by running "tar -xf updateubimanager.tar"
  • Modify the file updateubimanager if you need a proxy, as explained in the file
  • Put it in the Colibri, in /usr/sbin/
  • Go to /usr/sbin/
  • Run ./updateubimanager
  • Get updateserver.tar
  • Untar the file, by running "tar -xf updateserver.tar"
  • Modify the file updateserver if you need a proxy, as explained in the file
  • Put it in the Colibri, in /usr/sbin/
  • Go to /usr/sbin/
  • Run ./updateserver

Here you are. It should have recovered the executables from the web site, and start it.

The server checks every hour (if no one is using it) if there is an update available. In that case it installs it automatically.

UbiManager checks for an update at startup and install it automatically. It is also possible to launch an update from the menu Tools.