The aim of the PERPLEXUS project is to develop a scalable hardware platform made of custom reconfigurable devices endowed with bio-inspired capabilities that will enable the simulation of large-scale complex systems and the study of emergent complex behaviours in a virtually unbounded wireless network of computing modules.
At the heart of these ubiquitous computing modules (ubidules), we will use a custom reconfigurable electronic device capable of implementing bio-inspired mechanisms such as growth, learning, and evolution. This reconfigurable circuit will be associated to rich sensory elements and wireless communication capabilities.
The PERPLEXUS platform offers several advantages compared to classical software simulations: speed-up, an inherent real-time interaction with the environment, self-organization capabilities, simulation in the presence of uncertainty, and distributed multi-scale simulations.
We will test our modelling infrastructure to prove its usefulness as a powerful and innovative simulation tool in the following applications: neural networks modelling, culture dissemination modelling, and cooperative collective robotics modelling. We will perform comparisons between classical software simulations and simulations running on a network of ubidules, our PERPLEXUS platform.
The PERPLEXUS platform will thus provide an unprecedented modelling framework thanks to the pervasive nature of the hardware platform, its bio-inspired capabilities, its strong interaction with the environment, and its dynamical topology.
PERPLEXUS has come into existence thanks to a grant from the European Commission 6th framework programme and regroups eight research institutions, from four different countries, including an industrial partner. PERPLEXUS runs for three years, starting from September 1st, 2006.


The users of UbiManager can download the software installer from the UbiManager page.

The tools concerning the ubidules can be downloaded from this page.


For more information please go to the official website.