In particular, it is not uncommon to see boards that couple an ARM processor with an FPGA. The former usually deals with standard operations, such as running an operating system and interfacing with the user, while the latter takes charge of the application-dependent tasks that can, in this way, take advantage of the huge parallelism it can offer. A notable example of such boards is represented by the recent Zynq SoC (see Fig. 1), but the recent acquisition of Altera by Intel supports the hypothesis that these architectures are going to become the new standard in the near future.

Figure 1: Structure of the Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC (source: Xilinx press release).
While the above mentioned strategy allows for impressive performance gains, the complexity of the overall system increases greatly: not only programming the two parts requires different skills (and thus the development is usually performed by two separate teams), but also the interactions between them are not easily defined, tested, and debugged. This fact makes the boundary between them one of the most critical points in the system design.
is not unusual to overhear engineers from the above-mentioned groups
discuss whether a given problem in their system has to be sought in the
CPU software design, in the FPGA design, or in the way the two parts
Despite well-defined best practices, the lack of appropriate tools makes
it the norm to test the CPU software design using a set of test cases
that are supposed to mimic the expected behavior of the FPGA, and at the
same time test the FPGA on a test bench that should simulate all the
possible interactions with the CPU part. As an extreme example of this
practice, ARM was used to employ a VHDL simulation of Linux boot process
to validate the design of new processors. These techniques are far from
being the optimal solution, and involve a significant amount of
duplicated work.
We claim that, in the context of heterogeneous systems composed by a CPU
and an FPGA, huge benefits arise from a complete co-simulation of the
two parts. Indeed, such a simulation allows full visibility on the
internals of the two systems during their interaction, making it
possible to spot incongruences, mistakes in the interface design, and
business logic errors. Moreover, it allows to test both components while
performing real interactions and operating on realistic data, instead
of relying on made-up test benches.
An attempt in this direction is represented by the RABBITS project (
This framework proposes a system-level simulation based on QEmu and
SystemC. However, while the approach and the preliminary results are
extremely interesting, the choice of SystemC as working language has a
major impact upon the applicability of the methodologies. Indeed, while
SystemC is still a promising technology, it is not yet supported by
standard workflows adopted in industry.
Another related project is SimXMD (,
which focuses on using GDB to drive the simulation of a processor. This
is similar to what we would like to achieve, but we would like to
generalize the adopted approach by letting GDB (or QEmu, in our case)
take control of the simulation and interact with it.
The FSS Approach
In the context of this project we are developing a system that interfaces QEmu ( — one of the most renowned machine emulators — with ModelSim/QuestaSim (, two standard multi-language HDL simulation environments by Mentor Graphics. A sketch of our system is presented in Fig. 2.
The source code of the system is available on GitHUB at the address:
Source Code
The source code of the system is available on GitHUB at the address: